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Resurrection Bay at Seward, Alaska

Submitted by: Sarah J. Martin. Plaque Text: On August 28th, 1903, the steamer “Santa Ana” arrived in Resurrection Bay and Seward was founded by the Alaska Central Railway Co. as the ocean terminus...

Submitted by: Sarah J. Martin.

Plaque Text:

On August 28th, 1903, the steamer “Santa Ana” arrived in Resurrection Bay and Seward was founded by the Alaska Central Railway Co. as the ocean terminus of the proposed railroad to interior Alaska. John Ballaine chose the site and named the town Seward. He was the chief organizer of a continent of men, women, children, equipment, and horses. As the leader and visionary in the founding of Seward, he described the ship’s entry into Resurrection Bay on a calm clear day:  “If there is such a place as Heaven, I cannot imagine anyone admitted through its pearly gates with sentiments more joyous than experienced that shining forenoon as we glided easily in those majestic scenes up to the timber-covered site I had chosen for the future terminal city – the future gateway into and out of Alaska’s great interior.”  Monument sponsored by the Resurrection Bay Historical Society.

Other Details

Resurrection Bay Historical Society:  http://www.resbayhistorical.org/

Nearby: Iditarod National Historic Trail – Mile 0; Iditarod Historic Trail Alliance: http://www.iditarod100.org/

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