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Marion, incorporated in 1816, was the first county seat of Twiggs County. Named for General Francis Marion, the Revolutionary `Swamp Fox`, it was a trading center and metropolis in ante bellum...

Marion, incorporated in 1816, was the first county seat of Twiggs County. Named for General Francis Marion, the Revolutionary `Swamp Fox`, it was a trading center and metropolis in ante bellum days. Its decline began when residents refused to accept the `intrusion of the iron horse` after the original survey of the Central Railroad routed the line through Marion. In 1868 the county site was moved six miles to Jeffersonville. Residents moved away, leaving a dead town and large abandoned homes.

U.S. Geodetic Survey in 1948 established this vicinity as the exact center of Georgia.


Plaque courtesy Lat34North.com.

Original page, with additional info, here.

Photo credit: Scooter Bill.

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