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Fruit Jar High

A two-story red brick building that housed Berea's elementary and high schools stood on this corner until demolished in 1972. The high school was nicknamed, "Fruit Jar High" after an Incident in...

A two-story red brick building that housed Berea's
elementary and high schools stood on this corner
until demolished in 1972. The high school was
nicknamed, "Fruit Jar High" after an Incident in
1926 when the school board and community
wrestled with the issue of raising taxes to add a
high school, or merging with the county school
system. Robert Lamb and G.S. Angel's votes for
the merger were overruled by J.S. Wagers, W. G
Best, and Benton Fielder. At the following meeting
Lamb, frustrated by his failure to overturn the
previous vote, threw a fruit jar vase at Best,
knocking him unconscious.

Submitted by @stoicjohn

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