A gigantic map of all the cool plaques in the world. A project of 99% Invisible.

Historic City Park Golf Course

 Designed by Tom Bendelow of Aberdeen Scotland. Known as the Johnny Appleseed of American Golf. Oldest municipal golf course in Baton Rouge. Est. in 1928; golden age of golf in America.

 Designed by Tom Bendelow of Aberdeen Scotland. Known as the Johnny Appleseed of American Golf. Oldest municipal golf course in Baton Rouge. Est. in 1928; golden age of golf in America.

  • louisiana
  • baton rouge
  • sports
  • golf

General Philemon Thomas

A roughhewn soldier of the Revolution, Thomas played a key role in the West Florida Rebellion, 1810, and served as district military commander in the Battle of New Orleans, 1815. The distinguished...

A roughhewn soldier of the Revolution, Thomas played a key role in the West Florida Rebellion, 1810, and served as district military commander in the Battle of New Orleans, 1815. The...

  • louisiana
  • baton rouge
  • patriot
  • war of 1812
  • revolutionary war

Steele Burden

1900-1995    Self proclaimed "yard man" planted the now magnificent live oaks here in City Park

1900-1995    Self proclaimed "yard man" planted the now magnificent live oaks here in City Park

  • louisiana
  • park
  • horticulture

Cast Iron Columns

1955  The three columns set on this stone base were among the 12 cast-iron columns that supported the old Baton Rouge City Market and later, the original Picnic Hill Pavilion built in 1955.

1955  The three columns set on this stone base were among the 12 cast-iron columns that supported the old Baton Rouge City Market and later, the original Picnic Hill Pavilion built in 1955.

  • louisiana
  • park
  • architecture

Carousel 1927

From the late 1920's until the early 1940's City Park had a carousel that was housed in a large pagoda-style building. It had 54 horses hand-crafted by Irish immigrant Bartholomew Murphy. 

From the late 1920's until the early 1940's City Park had a carousel that was housed in a large pagoda-style building. It had 54 horses hand- crafted by Irish immigrant Bartholomew Murphy. 

  • louisiana
  • baton rouge
  • park
  • carousel

Betty Claiborne

July 23, 1963, "... We were looking at places that should've been open to everybody since everybody was paying public tax..."    - Betty Claiborne, commenting on her 1963 arrest for attempting to...

July 23, 1963, "... We were looking at places that should've been open to everybody since everybody was paying public tax..."    - Betty Claiborne, commenting on her 1963 arrest for attempting...

  • louisiana
  • baton rouge
  • civil rights

Tom Bendelow (circa 1924)

City Park Golf Course Architect   Bendelow designed over 700 golf courses throughout the United States from the early 1900's to the 1930's including City Park in 1924.

City Park Golf Course Architect   Bendelow designed over 700 golf courses throughout the United States from the early 1900's to the 1930's including City Park in 1924.

  • louisiana
  • baton rouge
  • sports
  • golf

Star Grocery

BERKELEY HISTORY STAR GROCERY The Star Grocery, one of Berkeley’s oldest and most beloved family run businesses, was founded in 1922 by Greek immigrant brothers Nick and Jim Pappas. They...

BERKELEY HISTORY STAR GROCERY The Star Grocery, one of Berkeley’s oldest and most beloved family run businesses, was founded in 1922 by Greek immigrant brothers Nick and Jim Pappas....

    Moses Stacy Homestead

    Submitted by @zakouts84

    Submitted by @zakouts84

      Freedom Trail

        The Dedication of the Santa Ana Temple. Mérida, Yucatan

        Submitted by @kevl42

        Submitted by @kevl42

          Pickett's charge, Gettysburg

            Jennings Trail, Machamux


              • george washington
              • burning by t...
              • hezekiah

              Catherine "Granny" Fraser

              Submitted by @HistoryBoots

              Submitted by @HistoryBoots