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The Battle of Peachtree Creek Plaque 3 - The Federal Advance

After noon on July 9th, Schofield´s Army of the Ohio (23rd Corps) had forced Johnston to cross the Chattahoochee River that night by a surprise crossing up river at Soap Creek. On the 12th,...

After noon on July 9th, Schofield´s Army of the Ohio (23rd Corps) had forced Johnston to cross the Chattahoochee River that night by a surprise crossing up river at Soap Creek. On the 12th, Howard´s 4th Corps of Thomas´ Army of the Cumberland (4th, 14th and 20th Corps) crossed Power´s Ferry on Schofield´s right. As Johnston had foreseen, McPherson´s Army of the Tennessee (15th, 16th and 17th Corps) moved upriver to Roswell and began crossing while Palmer´s 14th Corps and Hooker´s 20th Corps prepared to cross at Pace´s Ferry. On the 17th, Palmer crossed and moved toward Peachtree Creek and McPherson moved toward Decatur. On the 18th, Schofield, accompanied by Sherman, moved toward Decatur to connect with McPherson; Howard moved to Buckhead; Palmer reached Peachtree Creek; and Hooker crossed the river and camped along West Pace´s Ferry Road. By nightfall, Sherman´s unsupported right wing occupied a line facing Peachtree Creek extending from Buckhead to the river. So far, the advance had been harassed by Wheeler´s cavalry alone. It had met no enemy infantry. On the 18th, Wood´s division of Howard´s corps moved down Peachtree Road to the creek and captured the bridge. Hooker advanced to the creek, placed his artillery on the hills, and crossed the infantry of Geary´s division on an improvised footbridge at Northside Drive. Geary drove back the enemy´s skirmishers, occupied the hills by the creek and built two wagon bridges for the artillery and trains. Ward´s division was sent to Peachtree Road to cross next day and move up on Geary´s left. On the 20th, Geary moved to Collier Road and took position with Candy´s brigade on the left, near Tanyard Branch, Jones´ on his right extending to Northside Drive, and Ireland´s massed behind Jones´. Candy´s left overlooked this site. Bundy´s and Sloan´s batteries were placed on Candy´s line to sweep the open ground to the left front. The 33rd N.J. Infantry was advanced to picket the ridge between Greystone and Colland Drives. William´s division crossed the creek and formed on the ridge along Northfleet Road with a deep ravine covering his front, Knip´s brigade, on the rightextended to Howell Mill Road, with Ruger´s behind it in reserve and Roberson´s extending east across Northside Drive, behind Geary´s right. On Howell Mill Road, Anson G. McCook´s brigade, the left of Palmer´s corps, entrenched near Ruger. Ward´s division crossed at Peachtree Road and moved southeast over broken ground, leaving two batteries at the bridge.

Georgia Historic Commission - Georgia Civil War Centennial Commission
Place 1964

Plaque courtesy Lat34North.com.

Original page, with additional info, here.

Photo credit: Byron Hooks of Lat34North.com.

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