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Tennille, the highest point, on the Central of Georgia Railroad, between Macon and Savannah, named for a public spirited citizen, Mr. Francis Tennille, was called for a number of years, Station...

Tennille, the highest point, on the Central of Georgia Railroad, between Macon and Savannah, named for a public spirited citizen, Mr. Francis Tennille, was called for a number of years, Station No. 13. The land for the Right of Way, which made the town possible was given by Mr. Sam O. Franklin. The railroad was practically destroyed by Sherman´s forces: by his orders the railroad rails were heated and twisted so that they were useless and all warehouses burned. Eight miles South of Tennille was Fort Irwin, the stockade of fort erected by Governor Jared Irwin and three brothers for the protection of the settlers from Indian attacks.


Plaque courtesy Lat34North.com.

Original page, with additional info, here.

Photo credit: Ken Moser.

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