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This informational plaque is in Mývatn (Midge Lake) in north Iceland. This is a very geometrically active area with a lot of interesting and unique land forms. These craters are created when lava...

This informational plaque is in Mývatn (Midge Lake) in north Iceland. This is a very geometrically active area with a lot of interesting and unique land forms. These craters are created when lava covers a water body, the water superheats, and erupts - leaving these craters. It is believed these types of craters exist only here and on Mars. The plaque reads:


The coastline around the pond Stakhólstjörn is a Natural Monument because of the pseudo-craters found there. Stútustaðir Farm is named after the renowned hero called Víga-Skúta, the possessor pf the deadly axe Fluga.

The pseudo-craters are formed by the steam explosions when burning lava encounters lakes or wetlands.

It is interesting to observe these peculiar lava formations as well as the birdlife in the area. There is a hiking route around Stakhólstjörn and the walk takes about an hour. A shorter route takes you through the western part of the area in about a half hour. Take care not to damage the brittle lava formations or disturb the birdlife. Please stay on the path.

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