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Santa Fe Depot

SANTA FE DEPOT The Santa Fe, completed in 1887. was the only railway into Oklahoma Territory and the only direct connection with the "outside" world during the hectic days of 1889. The first depot...

The Santa Fe, completed in 1887. was the only
railway into Oklahoma Territory and the only
direct connection with the "outside" world
during the hectic days of 1889. The first depot
was a small red frame building located on the
west side of the tracks. For the world's first
big land run. the Santa Fe had only a single
track leading through the new country. Guthrie
was a watering station with rudimentary yards.
Twenty trains carrying 1200 to 1500 passengers
each were scheduled out of Arkansas City and
Purcell on April 22. 1889; Guthrie was target
destination for most of these.
The present two-story red brick station was
completed in 1903 and housed passenger service.
mail service. "Harvey House" restaurant, news
stand, employee living quarters and offices.

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