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McNaspy Stadium Memorial (1940-1999)

The stadium that once stood near this site was named for Clement James McNaspy. He was the school's first athletic director and coach, in addition to his duties as a physics and chemistry...

The stadium that once stood near this site was named for Clement
James McNaspy. He was the school's first athletic director and coach,
in addition to his duties as a physics and chemistry professor. He was
known as the "Father of Southwestern Athletics" and served on the
faculty for 24 years, from 1909 to 1933. The stadium seated 4,500 people.
Dormitories beneath it housed more than 100 young men. It was the
site of numerous athletic competitions, as well as many campus
community events.

This memorial, built with bricks salvaged from the stadium, is
dedicated to all of those who shared fond memories of the days and nights at McNaspy Stadium.

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