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Jamaica Bay Greenway

Jamaica Bay Greenway The Jamaica Bay Greenway is a 19-mile loop, multi-use recreational path. It connects the city to more than 10,000 acres of federal, state, and city park land. Destinations...

Jamaica Bay Greenway The Jamaica Bay Greenway is a 19-mile loop, multi-use recreational path. It connects the city to more than 10,000 acres of federal, state, and city park land. Destinations such as Floyd Bennett Field, Fort Tilden, Jacob Riis Park, Canarsie Pier, Rockaway Beach, and the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge encourage people to observe and explore. These connected park sites offer many opportunities for healthy outdoor adventures. Biking, hiking, birding, sunbathing, and swimming are some of the activities available for everyone to enjoy. For more information, go to nps.gov/gate. Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge Queens Canarsie Nassau Brooklyn JAMAICA BAY Atlantic Ocean Jamaica Wildlife Refuge Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge is a key stop for migrating birds on the Atlantic flyway. The refuge has been a managed natural area since fresh water ponds were created in 1951. Hike the trails, participate in a guided program, of view exhibits at the visitor contact station. View some of the more than 330 bind species seen at New York City's only wildlife refuge. Submitted by @lampbane

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