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First United Methodist Church, Dyersburg

Robert M. Tarrant held a courthouse revival in 1840. The first church in Dyer Co., First Methodist, grew out of this meeting. A frame church, built 1844, deteriorated from disuse during the Civil...

Robert M. Tarrant held a courthouse revival in 1840. The first church in Dyer Co., First Methodist, grew out of this meeting. A frame church, built 1844, deteriorated from disuse during the Civil War. In 1864 a new structure at Church and Market was dedicated by G. W. D. Harris. In 1923, this building was completed. First Methodist has built two churches: Boose Memorial, named for the first woman ordained in the Memphis Conference, and Second Church, later Ross Memorial. Strongly supporting foreign missions, county disaster aid and community service, their motto is "The church in the heart of town with the town at heart."

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