A gigantic map of all the cool plaques in the world. A project of 99% Invisible.

General John M. Riggs

This memorial site was dedicated on November 11, 2000 to the honored veterans of all wars by Lieutenant General John M. Riggs, United States Army. LTG Riggs and his wife, Cathy, are natives of...

This memorial site was dedicated on November 11, 2000 to the honored veterans of all wars by Lieutenant General John M. Riggs, United States Army. LTG Riggs and his wife, Cathy, are natives of...

  • missouri
  • military
  • memorial

First United Methodist Church, Dyersburg

Robert M. Tarrant held a courthouse revival in 1840. The first church in Dyer Co., First Methodist, grew out of this meeting. A frame church, built 1844, deteriorated from disuse during the Civil...

Robert M. Tarrant held a courthouse revival in 1840. The first church in Dyer Co., First Methodist, grew out of this meeting. A frame church, built 1844, deteriorated from disuse during the Civil...

  • tennessee
  • church. religion

Crystal Springs

 Old town 3 miles to west. Moved to railroad in 1858. In 1870's became first tomato - shipping point in U. S. and has since won fame as the "vegetable capital of Mississippi".

 Old town 3 miles to west. Moved to railroad in 1858. In 1870's became first tomato - shipping point in U. S. and has since won fame as the "vegetable capital of Mississippi".

  • mississippi
  • town

P.T.A. Birthplace

Here in Oct., 1909, at Lake Chautauqua tabernacle, Miss. Congress of Parents and Teachers was organized by delegates from 5 cities. Founder & first president was Mrs. R. B. Stapleton, of Hattiesburg.

Here in Oct., 1909, at Lake Chautauqua tabernacle, Miss. Congress of Parents and Teachers was organized by delegates from 5 cities. Founder & first president was Mrs. R. B. Stapleton, of Hattiesburg.

  • mississippi
  • education
  • parent teachers

Fortenberry-Parkman Farm

This typical family farmstead was in operation from 1860 to 1960. The buildings were moved from Jefferson Davis Co. in 1981 and restored through the generosity of the family, friends and county...

This typical family farmstead was in operation from 1860 to 1960. The buildings were moved from Jefferson Davis Co. in 1981 and restored through the generosity of the family, friends and...

  • mississippi
  • museum of ag...
  • farm

Choctaw Line

Boundary between Choctaw cessions of 1820 (Doak's Stand), and 1830 (Dancing Rabbit Creek), going from S.E. corner Simpson Co. northward into Holmes & thence through Bolivar Co.

Boundary between Choctaw cessions of 1820 (Doak's Stand), and 1830 (Dancing Rabbit Creek), going from S.E. corner Simpson Co. northward into Holmes & thence through Bolivar Co.

  • mississippi
  • native americans

Cornerstone of the old Estes House

Cornerstone of the old Estes House    Fifth and Main - Keokuk  Iowa   Site of Army Hospital Apt. 17, 1862-Oct. 1, 1865.Erected in memory of the soldiers who died in the Old General Hospital at...

Cornerstone of the old Estes House    Fifth and Main - Keokuk  Iowa   Site of Army Hospital Apt. 17, 1862-Oct. 1, 1865.Erected in memory of the soldiers who died in the Old General Hospital...

  • iowa
  • keokuk
  • keokuk natio...
  • civil war

The Estes House

...used as a hospitalfor Soldiers of the Civil WarApr. 17, 1862 – Oct. 1, 1865Occupied this site

...used as a hospitalfor Soldiers of the Civil WarApr. 17, 1862 – Oct. 1, 1865Occupied this site

  • iowa
  • civil war
  • keokuk

Livestock and Pasture Management

  • mississippi
  • agriculture

In honor of the patriots from Everett, Ma

    From Hamilton's Home to a National Memorial

    Submitted by @Ritterton

    Submitted by @Ritterton

      Upper Waitaki Power Developement

      Submitted by @merxplat.

      Submitted by @merxplat.

        Benmore Hydro- Electric Power Scheme

        Submitted by @merxplat.

        Submitted by @merxplat.

          The Parrott Gun

          Submitted by @joestracci

          Submitted by @joestracci

            City of Thibodaux

            CITY OF THIBODAUX Incorporated as a town on March 10, 1838. Early records show settlement existed in late 1790's as an important trading post for the Lafourche country. Named for Henri Schuyler...

            CITY OF THIBODAUX Incorporated as a town on March 10, 1838. Early records show settlement existed in late 1790's as an important trading post for the Lafourche country. Named for Henri...