A gigantic map of all the cool plaques in the world. A project of 99% Invisible.

Union Station, Denver

Submitted by @ChooVroom

Submitted by @ChooVroom


    Inuvik Officially opened by The Right Honourable John C Diefenbaker PCMP Prime Minister of Canada July 1 1961 Submitted by @paulori

    Inuvik Officially opened by The Right Honourable John C Diefenbaker PCMP Prime Minister of Canada July 1 1961 Submitted by @paulori

      The Cocoanut Grove Fire

      Submitted by @OnlyInBOS

      Submitted by @OnlyInBOS

        Taco Bell Fitness Course

        Commemorating the Great Flood of 1993 Taco Bell Foundation Submitted by @ArmyStrang [Location approximate]

        Commemorating the Great Flood of 1993 Taco Bell Foundation Submitted by @ArmyStrang [Location approximate]


            An Era of Dramatic Change

            Historically Alameda was a peninsula, rich in natural resources. Native peoples gathered food and materials from bay salt marshes, abundant oak forests, and nearby shorelines. From the early...

            Historically Alameda was a peninsula, rich in natural resources. Native peoples gathered food and materials from bay salt marshes, abundant oak forests, and nearby shorelines. From the...

            • transcontine...
            • san francisc...
            • east bay reg...

            The View from Here

            Looking across the Bay you can see the expanse of estuarine water and distant hills of South San Francisco and San Mateo. There, Spanish explorers first viewed San Francisco Bay less than 250...

            Looking across the Bay you can see the expanse of estuarine water and distant hills of South San Francisco and San Mateo. There, Spanish explorers first viewed San Francisco Bay less than 250...

            • east bay reg...
            • alameda point

            Wildlife at Alameda Point

            The waters of San Francisco Bay surrounding the island of Alameda support a rich diversity of life. The rocky shoreline of Alameda Point provides a surface where many different kinds of plants and...

            The waters of San Francisco Bay surrounding the island of Alameda support a rich diversity of life. The rocky shoreline of Alameda Point provides a surface where many different kinds of plants and...

            • east bay reg...
            • alameda point

            Alaska Packers Association

            The Bay Area once lead the world in the export of salmon. In nineteenth-century San Francisco, more than a dozen companies were involved in packing and distributing salmon harvested from Alaskan...

            The Bay Area once lead the world in the export of salmon. In nineteenth-century San Francisco, more than a dozen companies were involved in packing and distributing salmon harvested from...

            • fishing
            • sailing
            • maritime industry
            • port

            Where the World Comes to Oakland

            The opening of the Panama Canal in 1914 made way for new trade routes that led to a shipping boom in the post-war world of the 1920s. By 1925, Oakland was ready to capitalize on growing...

            The opening of the Panama Canal in 1914 made way for new trade routes that led to a shipping boom in the post-war world of the 1920s. By 1925, Oakland was ready to capitalize on...

            • shipping
            • harbor
            • port
            • maritime industry

            Houseboats on the Waterfront

            Preparations for World War II ended plans of filling the Southwest yacht basins with pleasure crafts. Instead, a severe housing shortage during the war turned the waterfront into a home for...

            Preparations for World War II ended plans of filling the Southwest yacht basins with pleasure crafts. Instead, a severe housing shortage during the war turned the waterfront into a home...

            • washington dc
            • wharf

            Urban Renewal

            At the beginning of the 20th century, Southwest was considered a decaying neighborhood suffering from poor housing and urban blight. In 1945, the Redevelopment Land Agency was created and its...

            At the beginning of the 20th century, Southwest was considered a decaying neighborhood suffering from poor housing and urban blight. In 1945, the Redevelopment Land Agency was created and...

            • washington dc
            • wharf

            African-American History in Southwest

            The Southwest Waterfront's history is closely tied to African-American history. Leading up to the Civil War, many people of color - those still enslaved as well as some freed individuals - lived...

            The Southwest Waterfront's history is closely tied to African-American history. Leading up to the Civil War, many people of color - those still enslaved as well as some freed individuals -...

            • washington dc
            • wharf


            This plaque tells the history of this long straight lane in Utrecht. It was created in 1637, as a 700 meters long track for the "maliespel" game, which is like a forerunner of golf and croquet....

            This plaque tells the history of this long straight lane in Utrecht. It was created in 1637, as a 700 meters long track for the "maliespel" game, which is like a forerunner of golf and croquet....

            • maliebaan
            • historic street

            Maliebaan bicycle lane

            The long and straight lane "maliebaan" was created as sports track in 1637 (see the plaque at the other end of the street). After the game died out it became a regular street in the growing city...

            The long and straight lane "maliebaan" was created as sports track in 1637 (see the plaque at the other end of the street). After the game died out it became a regular street in the growing city...

            • maliebaan
            • historic street
            • bicycle lane