The Jeep displayed here is actually a 1951 model jeep, distinguished from the 1942-45 WW II Army- Marinemodel by its windshield without a divider bar. President Eisenhower generally traveled...
VF 142 Ghostriders / U.S.S. America in 1974 The McDonnel Douglas F-4 Phantom aircraft was developed as superiority fighter and interceptor for deployment on board U.S. Navy Aircraft carriers,...
In memory of the 21 persons who perished in an explosion of The National Guard Armory on this site on Thanksgiving eve Nov. 24, 1965, while attending a square dance of The Swing-Ezy Square Dance Club.
Conrad Nagel was born in Keokuk, Iowa on March 16, 1897. The son of Frank, a musician, and Frances, a talented singer, it is no surprise Nagel grew up to be a famous silent and sound movie star....
Elsa Maxwell was born May 24, 1883 in Keokuk, Iowa – it is said she was born in a theater during the opera Mignon. She was raised in San Francisco, California where her father sold insurance and...
This church was established in 1867 with the help of the Freedman's Aid Society, an organization that provided for the spiritual needs of freed Black slaves. The Society's...
C.M. Washington High School, the first public high school for African- American students in Thibodaux, was dedicated on December 18, 1950. The school included grades 1-12. It was named...
Born in Raleigh, North Carolina, in 1806, Polk attended the University of North Carolina before receiving an appointment to West Point, from which he graduated in 1827. He soon resigned...
Once part of Ridgefield Plantation, the land for the Church and Cemetery fronted on the Terrebonne Road - now Jackson Street - connecting Bayous Lafourche and Terrebonne. An entire block...
Industrialist and philanthropist, John Carl Hubinger was born in New Orleans in 1851, the first of eight children. The family moved north when J.C. was four, living in Kentucky and Indiana before...
This monument honors the brave service and sacrifices of all African-American Veterans and their families from Louisiana and nationwide. It begins with the 1863 Siege at Port Hudson, Louisiana,...
Dedicated November 11, 2021In commemoration of the centennial ofthe Tomb of the Unknown SoldierA Statewide Volunteer Project byLouisiana Garden Club Federation, Inc.Louisiana Members of...
Chief Keokuk was born in 1780 near the present location of Rock Island, Illinois. His tribe, the Sauk Indians, joined with the remnants of the Mesquakie tribe (or Fox Indians) to form a community...
Felix and Jean Hughes moved with their three super achieving children to Keokuk in 1879. Felix served as Mayor, President of the Keokuk and Western Railroad and was a Supreme Court Justice....
Former slave and celebrated abolitionist, Charlotta Pyles was an outspoken critic of slavery. She was born a slave in Kentucky in 1804. Her father was a mixture of German and African American...
General Ulysses S. Grant, commander of the Union Army said of Wittenmyer, “No soldier on the firing line gave more heroic service than she did.”Sarah Ann Turner (Annie) was born in Sandy Springs,...