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Tyler Home - Ladies Aid Society

Where in March 1866, the Ladies Aid Society organized the first memorial association honoring Confederate heroes. "One Day" each year is theirs. W.P.A. - 1936 - U.D.C. Side Two: LADIES MEMORIAL...

Where in March 1866, the Ladies Aid Society organized the first memorial association honoring Confederate heroes. "One Day" each year is theirs.

W.P.A. - 1936 - U.D.C.

Side Two:

Organized March 12, 1865

Officers Elected
Mrs. Robert Carter - President
Mrs. Robert A. Ware p 1st, Vice President
Mrs. J. M. McAllister - 2nd Vice President
Mrs. M.A. Patten - Treasurer
Mr. Charles J. Williams - Secretary

W.P.A. - 1936 - L.M.A.

Plaque courtesy Lat34North.com.

Original page, with additional info, here.

Photo credit: Byron Hooks of Lat34North.com.

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