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Troup Factory

Troup Factory, first cotton mill in Troup County, Georiga, was established in 1846 on Flat Shoals Creek by Robertson, Leslie & Co., of Meriwether County. Water powered carding, spinning and...

Troup Factory, first cotton mill in Troup County, Georiga, was established in 1846 on Flat Shoals Creek by Robertson, Leslie & Co., of Meriwether County. Water powered carding, spinning and weaving, in a massive four-storied mill, produced famed quality sheetings and osnaburgs until 1899. In 1902, L. M. Park bought and removed the mill to LaGrange. Maxey Brooks (1796-1861), pioneer millwright, built an important gristmill on the site in 1829 and sold it to the Company in 1846.

Erected by the Historic Chattahoochee Commission, 1980

Plaque courtesy Lat34North.com.

Original page, with additional info, here.

Photo credit: Byron Hooks of Lat34North.com.

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