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The Royal Canadian Yacht Club

The province's first sailing association, the Toronto Boat Club, was formed in 1852 and two years later became the Royal Canadian Yacht Club. Dedicated to the promotion of yachting and naval...

The province's first sailing association, the Toronto Boat Club, was formed in 1852 and two years later became the Royal Canadian Yacht Club. Dedicated to the promotion of yachting and naval interests, it initiated competitions which stimulated widespread interest in sailing and yacht design, and in 1860 instituted the Prince of Wales Cup, freshwater racing's oldest trophy. The Club was housed on Toronto's waterfront until 1881 when it moved to Toronto Island. This moved facilitated the club's continued growth. The R.C.Y.C. figured prominently in the formation of the Lake Yacht Racing Association (1884) for the establishment of uniform rules. The achievements of numerous members in competitive yacht racing have brought the Royal Canadian Yacht Club international recognition.

Plaque via Alan L. Brown's site Toronto Plaques. Full page here.

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