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The Okanagan Mountain Fire of 2003

Directly across Lake Okanagan, on August 16, 2003, lightening struck a tree at Squally Point. The ensuing blaze consumed over 25,000 hectares as it spread to Kelowna, Myra Canyon, and Naramata....

Directly across Lake Okanagan, on August 16, 2003, lightening struck a tree at Squally Point. The ensuing blaze consumed over 25,000 hectares as it spread to Kelowna, Myra Canyon, and Naramata. More than 33,000 people were evacuated and 238 homes were destroyed or damaged. The Myra Canyon section of the Trans Canada Trail saw 12 historic wooden railway trestles destroyed and 2 steel ones damaged.

From BC's Stops of Interest

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