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The History of Lucille's

The History of Lucille's The original Lucille's station was built in 1927. Lucille and Carl Hamons purchased the station and motor courts on Route 66 near Hydro, Oklahoma in 1941. The station was...

The History of Lucille's

The original Lucille's station was built in 1927. Lucille and Carl Hamons
purchased the station and motor courts on Route 66 near Hydro, Oklahoma
in 1941. The station was truly a family business. The living quarters and
the business were in the same building.

The construction of the interstate highways was a crushing economic blow to
towns and businesses which derived their livelihood from the highway travelers.
With the decision by the State of Oklahoma to put up fences along the highway.
to block off access to the interstate except at designated locations, the Hamons
family struggled with the decision of whether to stay open for business.

In 1992, the 66th anniversary of Route 66, the Oklahoma Route 66 Association
gave Lucille Hamons a special recognition plaque for her 51 years in business.
In July of 1997, a book signing party was organized by Mrs. Hamons' family to
announce Lucille had become an author of her biography Lucille: Mother of the
Mother Road. In the spring of 1998, the Oklahoma Historical Society voted to
put the Hamons station on the National Register of Historic Places.
By September of 1999, Lucille had received the highest award in her state. The
Oklahoma Route 66 Association inducted her into the Oklahoma Route 66 Hall
of Fame Her award plaque is in a special display along with the other
outstanding Oklahomans at the Oklahoma Route 66 Museum in Clinton.

Lucille Arthurs Hamons passed away in her home in August of 2000. She had
remained in her home and her business along the shoulder of Route 66 for 59
years. She enjoyed the many visitors who traveled Route 66 to her doorway.
She never got tired of sharing her stories on America's Main Street.

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