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The Escape Proof Jail of West, MS

In the early 1900s. misconduct such as fighting, drunkenness, and disturbing the peace landed you in the red brick jail house, known as the Calaboose, in West Station (now West), Mississippi. It...

In the early 1900s. misconduct such as fighting, drunkenness, and disturbing the peace landed you in the red brick jail house, known as the Calaboose, in West Station (now West), Mississippi. It cost $14.20 in fine money to get out.
The jail was torn down in the 60s and the cells moved to City Hall. Here they found use as a jail and birthing center for the town cat, Jezebel. Later they became a popular attraction in the children's reading center of the West Public Library.
Through diligent efforts of Representative Mary Ann Stevens, the cells were saved and later donated to the museum by the Town of West.

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