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The Battle of Pelee Island 1838

On February 26, 1838, a group of over 300 American supporters of William Lyon Mackenzie's rebellion, led by 'Major' Lester Hoadley, captured this island. In response, Colonel John Maitland,...

On February 26, 1838, a group of over 300 American supporters of William Lyon Mackenzie's rebellion, led by 'Major' Lester Hoadley, captured this island. In response, Colonel John Maitland, commanding the Western District, despatched five infantry companies supported by militia and Indians across the ice from Amherstburg. On March 3, fleeting a southward sweep by the main force, the Americans were intercepted off-shore from here by a detachment of 126 men led by Captain George Browne. Browne's force lost five; the enemy's, at least eleven killed, including its leader, and eleven taken prisoner. Following closely the defeat of rebel supporters on Fighting Island (February 25), this victory marked the second time in one week that a force invading Canadian territory had been repulsed.

Plaque via Alan L. Brown's site Ontario Plaques. Full page here.

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