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The Battle Oaks

“The Battle Oaks These three native Texas Live Oaks were on the grounds of the original “Forty Acres” when The University of Texas opened on September 15, 1883. The largest tree is believed to...

“The Battle Oaks
These three native Texas Live Oaks were on the grounds of the original “Forty Acres” when The University of Texas opened on September 15, 1883. The largest tree is believed to antedate “The War Between the States.”
The trees are names in honor of Dr. William James Battle, professor of Classics, who serves as acting president of the university from 1914 to 1916. A long-time chairman of the faculty building committee, Dr. Battle was among those who advocated nurturing the tress as a source of enjoyment for many generations.”

The Battle Oaks shade and surround the university’s Barbara Jordan statue.
Note: Today, The University of Texas main campus is often referred to as the “Forty Acres” in reference to the size of the original plot of land designated by the Republic of Texas for a state university.

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