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The Assassination of King Strang

BEAVER HISTORICAL SOCIETY ISLAND The Assassination of King Strang In 1856, growing friction within Beaver Island's Mormon community finally erupted. Two of James Jesse Strang's disgruntled...

The Assassination
of King Strang
In 1856, growing friction within Beaver Island's
Mormon community finally erupted. Two of James
Jesse Strang's disgruntled followers who were hiding
behind a woodpile near the Johnson-McCullough store
attacked the self-proclaimed king as he walked toward
the dock to meet the captain of the U. S. S. Michigan.
They shot and clubbed the Mormon leader, who died
from his wounds 23 days later.
The assassins were taken to Mackinac Island by the
Michigan's captain, who would not allow the Mormon
police to arrest them. Soon released by the Mackinac
sheriff, they were bought drinks and carried up and
down the street on the shoulders of Strang's enemies.

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