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Straus Home Site

After leaving Bavaria, Lazarus Straus dispensed him merchandise over several states searching for home for his family. In 1854, he, his wife, and four children settled in a comfortable house one...

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After leaving Bavaria, Lazarus Straus dispensed him merchandise over several states searching for home for his family. In 1854, he, his wife, and four children settled in a comfortable house one block from here. An expert merchant and a learned man, he became actively identified at once with the progress of Talbotton. From his humble beginning, Lazarus Straus and his sons, Isidor, Nathan, and Oscar, reached the pinnacle of success in the business, political, and civic affairs of our nation.


Plaque courtesy Lat34North.com.

Original page, with additional info, here.

Photo credit: Ken Moser.

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