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Stevenson's Line

During demonstrations on Rocky Face and in Crow Valley, by 4th and 23rd A.C. troops [Federal], the N. line of Dalton´s defense works crossed the road here. Stevenson´s div. (Hood´s A.C.)...

During demonstrations on Rocky Face and in Crow Valley, by 4th and 23rd A.C. troops [Federal], the N. line of Dalton´s defense works crossed the road here. Stevenson´s div. (Hood´s A.C.) [Confederate] held this sector, his left at Cheatham´s line, at Signal Station on Rocky Face; his right at Ault´s Creek, E.

May 9, 1864. Stevenson´s men repulsed the 23d A.C. in Crow Valley, and the desperate attempt by Harker´s and Wagner´s brigade, Newton´s div., 4th Army Corps.. to break the left of Stevenson at and near the top of Rocky Face, where Pettus´ and Brown´s brigades were posted behind stone breastworks that are still there.

GHM 155-20 Georgia Historical Commission 2001

Plaque courtesy Lat34North.com.

Original page, with additional info, here.

Photo credit: Byron Hooks of Lat34North.com.

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