A gigantic map of all the cool plaques in the world. A project of 99% Invisible.


The Seljavallalaug pool is one of the most photographed outdoor pools in Iceland and is what people think of when the imagine Icelanders swimming at all hours of the day, at all times of the year....

The Seljavallalaug pool is one of the most photographed outdoor pools in Iceland and is what people think of when the imagine Icelanders swimming at all hours of the day, at all times of the year. The pool is located in south Iceland, at the base of Eyjafjallajökul, the volcano who's eruption in in 2010 brought European air travel to a standstill. It is hard to get to - down a rocky dirt road with few signs, following a difficult march through a shoal of rock and many-armed creek. The pool itself has seen better days, but nestled in the mountain valley it is unspeakably serene and beautiful. This plaque honors the man who built the pool. It reads:

Eign Ungmennafélagsins Eyfellings
Byggð vorið 1923

Aðal hvatamaður að byggingu laugarinnar og stofnun Ungmennafélagsins Eyfellings var Björn J Andrésson. Laugin er elsta uppistandandi sundlaug landsisn og sú fyrsta sem kennt var skyldunám í sundi 25m. löng og var um árabil lengstra laug landsins. Vinsamlegast gangið snyrtilega um svæðið og skiljið ekki eftir rusl. Umferð hunda í lauginni eða búnignsklefum er bönnuð.

öll meðferð áfengis við eða í lauginni er stranglega bönnuð
ath: öll umferð um svæðið er alfarið á ábyrgð víðkomandi.

Björn J Andréasson
áðal hvatamaður að stofnum  Ungmennaféæagsins Eyfellings og fyrsti formaður þess
Formaður 1922-1927

Property of Young Men Society of Eyfelling
Built the spring of 1923

The person who initiated the construction of this pool and started the Young Men Society of Eyfelling (Mount Eya, which looms over this region of south Iceland) was Björn J Andrésson. The pool is the oldest and most scenic pool in the land and the first which compulsory swimming was taught. At 25 meters long, it was the longest pool in Iceland for many years. Please be courteous and clean around the pool area and do not litter. Dogs in the pool or changing rooms are prohibited.

Consumption of alcohol in or around the pool is strictly prohibited. You are here at your own risk.

(under the photo)
The person who started the Ungmennaféæagsins Eyfellings (Young Men Society of Eyfelling) and was the first president, in 1922 - 1927.

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