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Saw Mill River Daylighting - Species of the Watershed

All of these flora (plants) and fauna (animals) are at home here in the Saw Mill River watershed. Some linger around the tidal pool and mouth of the river here in Yonkers because they also live in...

All of these flora (plants) and fauna (animals) are at home here in the Saw Mill River watershed. Some linger around the tidal pool and mouth of the river here in Yonkers because they also live in the Hudson River. In one 24-hour period in 2009, over 50 researchers surveying in the watershed found more than 450 species! The daylighting restoration will create a living river here again.

Did You Know?

Every year, crayfish (also known as crawfish or crawdads) eat their own shells to recover calcium and phosphorous.

The blue claw crab's scientific name, Callinectes sapidus, comes from the Greek calli meaning "beautiful," nectes meaning "swimmer," and the Latin sapidus meaning "savory."

The common green darner dragonfly is known as a "mosquito hawk" because it eats mosquitoes. 

Mallards are like many birds: the male is more colorful than the female.

The redback salamander, unlike most salamanders, spends no time in water.

Submitted by @lampbane

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