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Federals Occupy Rocky Springs

FEDERALS OCCUPY ROCKY SPRINGS After U.S. Grant had planned much of his campaign at Mrs. Bagnell’s, four miles west, he arrived at Rocky Springs on May 7. He remained until May 10, allowing the XV...


After U.S. Grant had planned much of his
campaign at Mrs. Bagnell’s, four miles
west, he arrived at Rocky Springs on
May 7. He remained until May 10, allowing
the XV Corps to cross the Mississippi and
rejoin the army. McClernand’s XIII Corps
arrived here on May 6 and moved to
Little Sand Creek, one and a half miles
northeast and Big Sand Creek, three
miles northeast, on May 7. Grant issued
motivational orders to his troops at Rocky
Springs and reviewed McClernand’s
men at Big Sand Creek on May 8.


Submitted by @alwaysreadtheplaque

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