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Rev. David Walker Lowe

Near this place Rev. David Walker Lowe built a home for his wife Jane Dorsey not long after 1825. He had been a Methodist circuit rider in the S.C. conference, later in the Ga. conference. Born...

Near this place Rev. David Walker Lowe built a home for his wife Jane Dorsey not long after 1825. He had been a Methodist circuit rider in the S.C. conference, later in the Ga. conference. Born July 22, 1794 in Warren Co., Ga., he was organizer and charter member of the Providence Methodist Church, built on the south side of the Lumpkin-Florence Road. he donated land on which the first church and schoolhouse were built. The land now lies between two of the canyons. The present Methodist church was built about 1859. Rev. Lowe died Sept. 23, 1843 and with his wife is buried in the Lowe cemetery near the edge of the canyon.

Plaque courtesy Lat34North.com.

Original page, with additional info, here.

Photo credit: Brian Brown.

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