A gigantic map of all the cool plaques in the world. A project of 99% Invisible.

Reeves Brothers Casino

REEVES BROTHERS CASINO One of the most notorious gambling houses of the Southwest, opened in a tent April 23, 1889. Soon a frame building went up later replaced by brick. The owners claimed their...


One of the most notorious gambling houses
of the Southwest, opened in a tent April 23,
1889. Soon a frame building went up later
replaced by brick. The owners claimed their
doors never closed, day or night, for 15 years.
When closed by prohibition in 1907, a key could
not be found. Inside, a sign proclaimed:
"We the citizens of Guthrie are law-abiding
people. But to any one coming here looking
for trouble. we always keep it in stock with
a written guarantee that we will give you a
decent burial. We will wash your face, comb your
hair, and polish your boots. Place your sombrero
on your grave, and erect a momento as a warning
to others saying... 'he tried and failed."

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