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Partnership sculpture dedication

This dedication is attached to a sculpture that sits along the waterfront of Reykjavik Harbor. It was a gift from journalist and activist Charles E Cobb and his wife. It reads: Ambassador and Mrs....

This dedication is attached to a sculpture that sits along the waterfront of Reykjavik Harbor. It was a gift from journalist and activist Charles E Cobb and his wife. It reads:

Ambassador and Mrs.

Charles E Cobb

commissioned PARTNERSHIP

as a gift to commemorate

fifty years of diplomatic

relations between Iceland

and the United States.

In the fifty years between

1941 and 1991 the two countries

have enjoyed a close partnership

in many areas of common interest.

A second identical


commissioned by the Cobbs,

sits beside a bay 

in South Florida, linked

to this sculpture by the

endless flow of the 

Atlantic Ocean Gulf Stream.



Dedicated July 4, 1991


An image of the sculpture can be seen here: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/63/Partnership_Sculpture,_Reykjavik_(6969723938).jpg

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