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Palmeto Piling

These palmetto Piling are the remains of the Boca Chica crossing of the railroad from Boca Chica Inlet to White's Ranch on the Rio Grande. Begun by General Francis H. Herron, U.S.A., in 1864 and...

These palmetto Piling are the remains of the Boca Chica crossing of the railroad from Boca Chica Inlet to White's Ranch on the Rio Grande. Begun by General Francis H. Herron, U.S.A., in 1864 and completed in 1865 by General Philip H. Sheridan for the transportation of military supplies.

The cypress piling 1,000 feet north are what remain of a floating bridge constructed across Boca Chica Inlet by General Zachary Taylor in 1864 as a part of the road from Brazos Santiago to the White Ranch landing and Clarksville on the Rio Grande, for transportation of military supplies.


Submitted by: Eric Goodill

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