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Office of E. P. McCabe

OFFICE OF E. P. McCABE Oklahoma --an all black state with a black governor -- was the dream of E. P. McCabe, lawyer, farmer, and Republican activist. McCabe vigorously promoted black settlement...

Oklahoma --an all black state with a black
governor -- was the dream of E. P. McCabe,
lawyer, farmer, and Republican activist. McCabe
vigorously promoted black settlement and
assumed role as spokesman for black people
in Washington with President Benjamin Harrison.
As a candidate for Territorial Governor. he
was quoted in the St. Louis Globe-Democrat:
"Should I become governor. I promise to rule
fairly and fearlessly." McCabe became Logan
County treasurer by appointment of Gov. Steele
in 1890. He served as secretary of the Terri-
torial Legislature in 1890, and was deputy
auditor of the Territory from 1897 to 1907.
He was chiefly responsible for the founding
of Langston and helped in the location and
establishment of Langston University.

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