AD 1000. AD 1889
Norumbega = Nor MBega
Indian utterance of Norgega the ancient form of Nowega, Norway to which the region of Vinland was subject. .
At and near Watertown where remain to-day docks, wharves, walls, fans, basins
Extending from Rhode Island to the St Lawrence first seen by Bjarn Herjuleson 985 AD
Landfall of Leif Erucsin On Cape Cod 1000 AD
Norse canals, dams, walls, pavements, forts, terraced places of assembly remain to-day.
At the base of tower and region about was occupied by the Breton French in the 15th, 16th and 17th Centuries.
The Charles discovered by Leif Erickson in 1000 AD explored #Thorvald Leif's brother 1003 AD
Colonized by Thirfin Karlsenb 1007 AD
First Bishop
Erik Gnupsin 1121 Ad
Industries for 350 years
Masur-Woid [Burrs] Fish, Furs, Agriculture
Latest Norse ship returned to Iceland in 1347.
Submitted by <a href="">@RoadTripNE</a>