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Madison Lodge No. 23 F. & A. M.

MADISON LODGE No. 23 F. & A. M 1852 - 2002  Madison Lodge #23 was established under dispensation from the Grand Lodge of California on May-4th 1852. Its permanent charter was issued on May 5th...

1852 - 2002 

Madison Lodge #23 was established under dispensation
from the Grand Lodge of California on May-4th 1852. Its
permanent charter was issued on May 5th 1853. Madison
Lodge held its first two meetings at the old Columbus School
on the present site of Hennessy School. The Lodge moved to
a building on the south side of Main St. where it now meets
Auburn St, This wooden building was destroyed along with
most of Grass Valley in the great fire of September 12 and
13, 1855. A few days later, the Masons met with the Odd
Fellows to select a site for a new brick building to house both
home for nearly 73 years, until fire destroyed the Masonic
portion of the building in Deccmber 1928. For the next nine
years the Lodge met in the anditorium of the old Strand
Theater at 161 Mill St. During this time, planning was bcing
completed for our present building, which saw its first
meeting on January 29, 1938. For 150 years, in both good
times and bad, through 7 wars and a great depression, the
Masonic spirit of Brotherly Love, Relicf and Truth has
continued on through our brethren of honorable men of all
backgrounds, professions and faiths. This plaque was set on
9 May 2002 in rededication ceremonies conducted by C, Ray
Whitaker, Grand Master of Masons in California and Elmer
B. Curtis, Master of Madison Lodge

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