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Is there a Doctor in the House?

While the Corps of Discovery was in this area Captain Lewis had to treat Sacagawea, who had become very ill. He treated her with doses of barks and some laudanum (a form of opium). Sacagawea had...

While the Corps of Discovery was in this area Captain Lewis had to treat Sacagawea, who had become very ill. He treated her with doses of barks and some laudanum (a form of opium). Sacagawea had some twitching of her arm and her fingers and it is most likely the opium helped relieve that. Lewis gave her water from a sulphur spring he found and that helped her dehydrated system. The spring from which thw water was taken is today known as Sulphur Spring. (You can hike to the spring today. The trailhead is near Morony Dam.) For the next few days Lewis administered the barks and opium and he also added fifteen drops of "oil of vitriol" (a diluted form of sulfuric acid). Sacagawea recovered from her illness. Lewis was relieved at her recovery, as she would be essential in helping the expedition when they met with her people, the Shoshone.

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