A gigantic map of all the cool plaques in the world. A project of 99% Invisible.

Incredible Forests

Spars cut for Capt. Cook's ships in 1778; logs skidded by oxen in 1860; whistles blown on 'steam-pots' and 'locies' in 1900; countless products made by complex machines; all recall the continued...

Spars cut for Capt. Cook's ships in 1778; logs skidded by oxen in 1860; whistles blown on 'steam-pots' and 'locies' in 1900; countless products made by complex machines; all recall the continued use of B.C.'s forests and growth of the industry. Today, scientific forestry ensures, for centuries to come, the lusty cry 'Timber!' - echoing in our forests.

From BC's Stops of Interest

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