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HISTORIC FORT LEAVENWORTH Long before white men settled Kansas, traffic over the Santa Fe trail was so heavy that troops were detailed to protect it from the Indians. Fort Leavenworth, established...

HISTORIC FORT LEAVENWORTH Long before white men settled Kansas, traffic over the Santa Fe trail was so heavy that troops were detailed to protect it from the Indians. Fort Leavenworth, established in 1827 by Col. Henry Leavenworth, was for thirty years the chief base of operations on the Indian frontier. In 1829, Col. S. W. Kearny march against the Cherokees with the largest U. S. mounted force yet assembled: ten companies of dragoons. In 1846, Col. A. W. Doniphan set out on his Mexican expedition; throughout the war with Mexico the Fort was the outfitting post of the Army of the West. During the 1850's, wagon teams hauled supplies over the Santa Fe, Oregon and other trails to all forts, posts and military camps of the West, some as far as the Pacific.

When Kansas territory was organized in 1854, Gov. Andrew Reeder set up executive offices at Fort Leavenworth. In 1881, Gen. William T. Sherman established the school which later became the Command and General Staff College, the highest tactical school in the Army educational system combining all arms and services. A 1926 graduate, with highest honors in his class, was Maj. Dwight D. Eisenhower.

See also Leavenworth County marker number 4(A).

K-7/US-73, Atchison County
Turnout, 11 miles northwest of city of Leavenworth.

Plaque via Kansas Historical Society, and is used with their permission. Full page

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