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Heritage New York - New Utrecht Reformed Church

New Utrecht Reformed Church Completed in 1829, the Church incorporates in its walls the stones from from the original structure, which had stood in the eastern corner the old New Utrecht Reformed...

New Utrecht Reformed Church

Completed in 1829, the Church incorporates in its walls the stones from from the original structure, which had stood in the eastern corner the old New Utrecht Reformed Church Cemetery, 16th Avenue and 84th Street since 1700. During the Battle of Brooklyn, British troops marched north along the road from the Narrows to engage American forces posted in what is now Prospect Park and The Green-Wood Cemetery.

The Stars and Stripes first flew over the Village of New Utrecht in November 1783, from a Liberty Pole erected at the head of New Utrecht's main street (84th Street) to celebrate the withdrawal of the British from New York and Long Island at the end of the Revolutionary War. Local residents have replaced the Liberty Pole five times in the past two centuries, each time topped by its original eagle and "Liberty" weathervane. In 1908, the New Utrecht Liberty Pole Association was organized to ensure the continuance of this patriotic tradition.

Submitted by @lampbane

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