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Halifax Explosion

On December 6, 1917, the explosives-laden SS Mont-Blanc and SS Imo collided in Halifax Harbour, causing a massive explosion, a tidal wave, and fires. Some 2,000 people died and thousands more were...

On December 6, 1917, the explosives-laden SS Mont-Blanc and SS Imo collided in Halifax Harbour, causing a massive explosion, a tidal wave, and fires. Some 2,000 people died and thousands more were wounded. The unprecedented devastation produced a tremendous local, national, and international outpouring of support, as first responders acted swiftly. The number of serious injuries led to advances in medical treatment, notably in pediatric surgery, and contributed to the creation of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. Destroyed neighbourhoods were rebuilt to safer standards and incorporated innovative urban designs. 

Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada

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