7 miles southeast of here was a favorite pioneer crossing of the Humboldt River, Gravely Ford. Campsite of the Donner Party, here occurred the Snyder-Reed fight. As Snyder lashed at Reed he missed and hit Reed’s wife. Reed then killed Snyder. Reed was banished without food from the wagon train. His daughter smuggled food to him enabling him to reach California. Reed later returned to rescue them from being snowed in at Donner Lake. In 1861, Indians massacred a wagon train. A squaw tried to save a child but was chased for days was caught and the child killed. Dedicated June 7, 6008.
Lucinda Jane Saunders
Chapter 1881
E Clampus Vitus
Credo Quia Absurdum
(One word about the date on the plaque: It is said that E Clampus Vitus has an "idiosyncratic" calendar. I can't find anything about the calendar's history, but I can state that the year 6008 on this plaque is the year 2003.