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Fort George

Constructed by order of Lieutenant Governor Simcoe 1796-99, Fort George served as the headquarters for Major-General Brock in 1812. In May, 1813, it was bombarded and captured by the Americans who...

Constructed by order of Lieutenant Governor Simcoe 1796-99, Fort George served as the headquarters for Major-General Brock in 1812. In May, 1813, it was bombarded and captured by the Americans who constructed fortifications of their own on the site. These in turn were retaken by the British in December, 1813. In 1815 Fort George was described as "tumbling into ruins" and ordered abandoned. The present works are a reconstruction done in 1937-40, and represent the fort as it was in 1799-1813. Only the magazine of the original fort remains.

Plaque via Alan L. Brown's site Ontario Plaques. Full page here.

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