A gigantic map of all the cool plaques in the world. A project of 99% Invisible.

Empire of Grass

Back in the 1870's the bunchgrass hereabours came up to a horse's belly. Some of the transient miners saw wealth in these broad rolling grasslands and swapped gold pan for saddle. In time several...

Back in the 1870's the bunchgrass hereabours came up to a horse's belly. Some of the transient miners saw wealth in these broad rolling grasslands and swapped gold pan for saddle. In time several 'spreads' in the Nicola Valley grew to rank among the world's largest cattle ranches. 'Cow country' it remains - its fortunes rooted in grass.

From BC's Stops of Interest

This plaque was reimagined by Joanne Hammond's project #rewriteBC (Republic of Archaeology) as:

Nearby Plaques On Google Maps

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