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Dr. Whitehead's Medical Office

Dr. Charles Poston Whitehead was born on January 1, 1848 in Winchester County, Kentucky. He graduated from medical school at the University of New York in 1870 and interned at Bellevue Hospital in...

Dr. Charles Poston Whitehead was born on January 1, 1848 in
Winchester County, Kentucky. He graduated from medical
school at the University of New York in 1870 and interned at
Bellevue Hospital in New York City. He settled in Lake
Providence (northeast Louisiana) where he practiced
medicine, married and raised a family. In 1898 he moved to
Lecompte, and began to practice medicine here. This two
room medical office was built in 1898 and is one of the oldest
structures in town. It has a waiting room in the front and an
examination and treatment room in back. He was a general
practitioner, which means he practiced general medicine as
well as delivered babies. He married Clara Carnal Clark in
1903. They had no children of their own. The office was
restored by the Lecompte Lion's Club in 1994. It was then
bought by the Town of Lecompte. It was originally located 
near the intersection of Wall Street and Hardy Street and was
moved to this location in 1997 for preservation.
Dr. Whitehead practiced medicine in Lecompte for 15 years.
He died January 30, 1913 at Touro Infirmary in New Orleans.

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