Lit Dec. 1, 1868, the light from its first order
Fresnel lens swept 30 miles to sea. Decommissioned
in 1951, the structure slowly began to inch
toward the 422’ cliff. The light was
dismantled in 1998 and moved to Point Delgada,
Shelter Cove by the Cape Mendocino Lighthouse
Preservation Society. The lantern roof portion
was airlifted by the Army National Guard.
Funded during the Lincoln administration, the
lighthouse is now a monument to those hardy
and long-suffering keepers of the light and to
the United States Coast Guard who served
to keep people and ships safe.
Dedicated Sept. 30, 2000 by Cape Mendocino Lighthouse
Preservation Society in cooperation with
County of Humboldt, U.S. Bureau of Land Management,
and the Ancient and honorable Order of
E Clampus Vitus Eureka Chapter 101