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Bates Residence (A McMaster University student residence)

BATES RESIDENCE                This apartment-style residence, opened in 1973, recalls the name of Marion Stillwell Bates, a McMaster graduate who was the University’s Dean of Women from 1947 to...


               This apartment-style residence, opened in 1973, recalls the name of Marion Stillwell Bates, a McMaster graduate who was the University’s Dean of Women from 1947 to 1965.

               In a period during which the number of women students almost tripled, Dean Bates combined efficiency with sympathetic understanding and dignity with friendly warmth. Her wise counsel and personal qualities earned her the confidence and respect of both women and men students.

               During and after her deanship, Dr. Bates held positions of leadership in several endeavours, notably the Baptist World Alliance, and she was awarded honorary degrees in Canada and recognition abroad.


Submitted by Owen Anderson


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