A gigantic map of all the cool plaques in the world. A project of 99% Invisible.

Anchor and Hjallsker

  þetta ankeri fannst fram af Hjallaskeri við Viðey apríl 1986 of er sett hér til minningar um þá menn sem förust við evn og annars staðar á faxaflóa þann 7 apríl 1906 Þiskipið Ingvar fórst á...


þetta ankeri fannst fram af Hjallaskeri við Viðey apríl 1986 of er sett hér til minningar um þá menn

sem förust við evn og annars staðar á faxaflóa þann 7 apríl 1906

Þiskipið Ingvar fórst á (Fl)(R)esjunum hér fyrir framan og með því 20 menn.

Þiskipin Emilíe and Sophie Wheatley fórust við …. og með þeim 28 men. 

……þöskipun i stírmennina fyrir borð.

….. 70 menn að þessu sinni á Faxaflóa


This anchor was found near Hjallaskeri (lit. ridge reef/skeri) near Viðey in April 1986 and is set here in memorial to the men that were shipwrecked here and elsewhere in Faxaflói (the bay to the north of Reykjavik, and south of Snæfellsnes) on 7 April 1906.

The cutter Ingvar ran aground here and with it 20 men.

The ships Emilíe and Sophie Wheatley sank and with them 48 (46?) men. 

……..Captains overboard

…… 70 men to this time on Faxaflói

Bless the memories of them.


I found this in a pamphlet about the anchor:

Anchor and Hjallasker

In a violent storm on April 7th 1906 the  
cutter Ingvar ran aground on Hjallasker
reef, off the shore of Viðey Island, where
it was battered to pieces by the gale  
and the waves. The crew of twenty men 
were all lost. The tragic accident led 
to the foundation of Slysavarnafélag 
Íslands (the Life-Saving Association), 
which later assisted the Viðey Associaion
in erecting a memorial to those
who died in the wreck: an anchor
believed to be that of the Ingvar.

Submitted by 

Translation and research credit: Justin Allan

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