A gigantic map of all the cool plaques in the world. A project of 99% Invisible.

A Remarkable Woman and a Legacy Beyond Compare

"When I leave this world, I can't carry nothing away from here. Whatever I have, it's going to be left right here for somebody. Some child can get their education, to help them along, because you...

"When I leave this world, I can't carry nothing away from here. Whatever I have, it's going to be left right here for somebody. Some child can get their education, to help them along, because you can't do nothing now unless you get your education. I don't regret one single penny I gave to the College. The only thing I regret is that I didn't have more to give." - Oseola McCarty

Hattiesburg native Oseola McCarty made global news in 1995 when she designated USM as the beneficiary of her $150,000 trust. The woman behind the unexpected gift captured the hearts of all who heard her story.

As a child, McCarty began stashing money in her doll buggy after working beside her mother, grandmother and aunt. Her dream was to become a nurse, but she left school in the sixth grade to care for her ill aunt and never made it back to the classroom. For 75 years, she took in laundry and ironing work until arthritis forced her to stop. As an 87-year-old laundress who lived frugally, McCarty's gift represented the majority of her life savings.

In 1996, Stephanie Bullock and Carletta Barnes were the first beneficiaries of the Oseola McCarty Scholarship Endowment. Upon the 25th anniversary of her gift in 2020, $568,158 in scholarships have been awarded, allowing 113 students from South Mississippi to pursue their educations at USM.

The Oseola McCarty Scholars Program honors her strong work ethic, giving heart and love for helping others.

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