Nick Cave Each One, Every One, Equal All 2022 Glass mosaic and video Fabricated by Mayer of Munich Commissioned by MTA Arts & Design and New York City Transit #mtaartsSubmitted by @lampbane
Creative Station High Five 1994 Jane Allen Ingram, artist A project of The Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York Creative Stations is a program of temporary art...
Samm Kunce Under Bryant Park 2002 Glass mosaic and etched granite Fabricated by Franz Mayer of Munich, Inc. Commissioned and owned by Metropolitan Transportation Authority Arts...
NEXT-OF-KIN MEMORIAL AVENUEL'AVENUE COMMEMORATIVEBegun in 1922-1923 by the military chapter of the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire, Saskatoon's Memorial Avenue is the only intact example of...
The Philip Kluberg Tree For more than 30 years, our neighbor and friend, Philip Kluberg, has done his best to make 565 West End Avenue a good place to live. Submitted by curiouser
Lisa Dinhofer Losing My Marbles 2003 Glass mosaic Fabricated by Franz Mayer of Munich, Inc. Commissioned and owned by Metropolitan Transportation Authority Arts for TransitSubmitted by @lampbane
MTA New York City Transit 42nd Street Station / 8th Avenue Line Opened 1932 Rehabilitated 2003 George E. Pataki Governor, State of New York Peter S. Kalikow Chairman, MTA Lawrence G....
2017 Monument expressing the gratitude of the Town of Brookline, Emerald Necklace Conservancy, Friends of the Muddy River and others to Michael and Kitty Dukakis for their lifelong support of the...
The Jeep displayed here is actually a 1951 model jeep, distinguished from the 1942-45 WW II Army- Marinemodel by its windshield without a divider bar. President Eisenhower generally traveled...
VF 142 Ghostriders / U.S.S. America in 1974 The McDonnel Douglas F-4 Phantom aircraft was developed as superiority fighter and interceptor for deployment on board U.S. Navy Aircraft carriers,...