A gigantic map of all the cool plaques in the world. A project of 99% Invisible.

Russian Column

Representing several elements of Russian architecture, including a transition from square to round with heavier elements at the bottom to lighter and more ornate above, and with the famous onion...

Representing several elements of Russian architecture, including a transition from square to round with heavier elements at the bottom to lighter and more ornate above, and with the famous onion...

  • louisiana
  • new orleans
  • architecture

Albany World War Veterans 1926

    Persian Column

    The unicorn has been used by many cultures and religions to express special qualities of strength and free spirit. Drinking from its horn was believed to cure a variety of diseases.

    The unicorn has been used by many cultures and religions to express special qualities of strength and free spirit. Drinking from its horn was believed to cure a variety of diseases.

    • louisiana
    • new orleans
    • architecture

    South Asian Column

    Designed to capture the essential flavor of Buddhist cultures, the curving metal swinging away from the column represents the cobra, a symbol of the importance of change and taking control of...

    Designed to capture the essential flavor of Buddhist cultures, the curving metal swinging away from the column represents the cobra, a symbol of the importance of change and taking control...

    • louisiana
    • new orleans
    • architecture

    Arabic Column

    Designed in the form of a minaret, this is a symbol of gathering people, ideas, and resources to carry out the act of healing.

    Designed in the form of a minaret, this is a symbol of gathering people, ideas, and resources to carry out the act of healing.

    • louisiana
    • new orleans
    • architecture

    Berkeley Rose Garden

      Brick Column

      This column expresses the dynamic quality of twisting motion and refers to the abundant use of brick in New Orleans. It points out that even the most dormant aspects of being can be transformed...

      This column expresses the dynamic quality of twisting motion and refers to the abundant use of brick in New Orleans. It points out that even the most dormant aspects of being can be...

      • louisiana
      • new orleans
      • architecture

      North American Column

      The totem pole, carved by Phillipe Klinefelter of Austin, TX, from a 1,000-year-old cedar log, expresses the belief that humans are an integral part of the web of nature, and depicts the strong...

      The totem pole, carved by Phillipe Klinefelter of Austin, TX, from a 1,000-year-old cedar log, expresses the belief that humans are an integral part of the web of nature, and depicts the...

      • louisiana
      • new orleans
      • native american

      Pre-Columbian Column

      Mythology and astrology are closely interwoven into the elements of this column signifying that rebirth is a fundamental idea behind any complete healing, requiting total psychological transformation.

      Mythology and astrology are closely interwoven into the elements of this column signifying that rebirth is a fundamental idea behind any complete healing, requiting total psychological transformation.

      • louisiana
      • new orleans
      • architecture

      Modern Column

      This column's vertical motion symbolizes hope, belief, and optimism. Healing takes place only if we truly believe it is possible. It also stresses the tremendous advances made in medical...

      This column's vertical motion symbolizes hope, belief, and optimism. Healing takes place only if we truly believe it is possible. It also stresses the tremendous advances made in medical...

      • louisiana
      • new orleans
      • architecture

      Saint Alban's Chapel and The Davis Sessums Memorial University Center

      Erected to the Glory of God, A.D. 1929.  By the Diocese of Louisiana of the Episcopal Church to serve the faculty and students of Louisiana State University. A testimony to the vision of the...

      Erected to the Glory of God, A.D. 1929.  By the Diocese of Louisiana of the Episcopal Church to serve the faculty and students of Louisiana State University. A testimony to the vision of...

      • louisiana
      • chapel
      • episcopal

      Doric Column

      The oldest of the Greek columns, the Doric ha fluted segments of stone stacked with no base. It is the symbol of strngth and simplicity, the two principal qualities of winners.

      The oldest of the Greek columns, the Doric ha fluted segments of stone stacked with no base. It is the symbol of strngth and simplicity, the two principal qualities of winners.

      • louisiana
      • new orleans.
      • architecture

      Bea Olsen, Kevin Olsen


        Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells. It is the most feared disease in America, because it is not understood, even though it is not the largest killer.  If we understood cancer, we would not...

        Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells. It is the most feared disease in America, because it is not understood, even though it is not the largest killer.  If we understood cancer, we would not...

        • louisiana
        • new orleans
        • science
        • medical

        1927 Carquinez Bridge